

Today, I have finished my little video about what is happening because of Poverty. (The Facts I call it) And today, I also started my power point presentation with full page picture and some headings on. I did my power point presentation and finished it until the cause of Poverty part. I tried to keep it a minimum of words and only key points so like as Mr. Will said before, 80% of the presentation would be the presenter, and the 20% of the presentation would be the presentation its self.

Today, my mom came to visit and talk to us about the issue Poverty and Child Education. I learnt many things that my mom would not talk to me about, at home. But, I had some stuff that I knew because I talked with my mom a little at home.  I learnt from my mom that there are many faces of poverty. I learnt that there are Absolute Poverty  which is when people have no food, no water, no shelter and clothes and live with less than a dollar a day, and some thing called Relative Poverty which they have a minimum amount of food, water, clothes, a small roof over their head and they can live if they try their best to live.  I learnt that Poverty doesn’t always mean that they have no money but that it means hunger, that they have no freedom, no job, no education, they cannot read, write or do simple calculation like 1 add 1 and 1 add 2.       I had several  questions for my mom to think about and one of them was ”Why are women and girls in some country taken away the right to be educated?” My mom said that it was because many of their parents thought women and girls were just for giving birth, do the house work, and just make the generation go on forever. So, parents thought girls weren’t needed to be educated. But, today, I found out that it is not always girls that are taken away the rights to be educated. I found out that in some country like Mongolia, people there go around with camels and live all over place. But people there do not won’t some thing to happen to girls so they just send them to bording schools and boys, when they think their son is enough educated, they take them out of school and make them help the father take care of the horses and the camels and help the father to set up the tent. I was surprised by the information that in Thailand, many boys drop out of school when they are about in secondary level and most girls go up till university. But the one who gets richer and gets a good job is the men and boys. I thought that was quite unfair that boys say they don’t want to learn and drop out and the girls learn very hard but they cannot have good jobs in their future and boys do.

The things that I found that was difficult for me (Some difficulties I had) was finding good pictures that really really relates to the issue Poverty and Child Education. It was one kind of difficulty for me because flickr, flickr storm, photo bucket, they all have good quality pictures that would not be pixolated than google images, but in those three web sites flickr, flickr storm and photo bucket, they all had pictures that was not real life pictures (like the actors are doing it) and many pictures that weren’t relating at all to the issue poverty and Child Education.

I expect my job to be done like this:

  • April 23rd Friday- Finish up the power point presentation
  • April 26th Monday- Do some editing of presentation and Start thinking about what I am going to say
  • April 27th Tuesday- Start writing the Script, Q-Cards, notes on power point
  • April 28th Wednesday- Finish up and edit the script, q-cards, notes.
  • April 29th Thursday- Start practicing the presentation by my own and get it quite all of it in my head
  • April 30th Friday- Start practicing to other students who are also finish in my class and get some comments, improve it and still keep on practicing until the very end of the period
  • May 1st Saturday- Practice one last time of presentation and get perfectly ready for the presentation day May 3rd Monday in Student Led confrences


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